Offset your water footprint,
help the environment,
save the river.

How it Works

When you purchase a WaterCard (below), you secure verified water conservation credits linked to water conserved at Norse Sky Ranch within the Colorado River Basin in Plateau Valley, Colorado. To support the initial phase of this initiative, 70% of each WaterCard purchase directly benefits Norse Sky Ranch, the primary entity responsible for this conserved water. As the program expands and funding permits, future credits will be linked to water conserved at other participating ranches and farms.

Each WaterCard represents a quantifiable amount of water conserved, memorialized as a unique digital token (NFT) recorded on the WaterCard blockchain. This digital token represents the number of gallons conserved and serves as proof of your contribution.

Upon purchase, you can choose to store your unique WaterCard token in your digital wallet. Detailed instructions on how to access and manage your token will be provided after your purchase.

Please Note: Even if you do not claim the digital token associated with your purchase, your purchase is still recorded and tied to your specific conservation credit.

Legal Notice: WaterCard credits represent water conservation efforts only. Purchasing a WaterCard does not grant any water rights or rights to water usage or ownership.

Buy WaterCard

If you’d like to purchase WaterCard water conservation credits in different/larger amounts, please contact us at!